Added a new section to the documentation. See How To.
Many updates to the rest of the documentation.
fixed in SVN:
[ xilize-Bugs-1739362 ] malformed def list does not generate error
The Xilize plugin for jEdit (containing the 3.0.3 xilize engine and jEdit interface) is available through jEdit's Plugin Manager.
Tiago Silveira (a.k.a. dukejeffrie) has joined the project as administrator and developer.
Added link to Xilize logos and buttons.
Submitted jEdit plugin component to jEdit's Plugin Central. See submission tracker.
Added release process doc.
Released Xilize 3.0.3 and updated website.
Looking for people interested in helping with maintaining and/or enhancing the project. If you are interested in being added to the project as a developer or admin please contact me.
Released Xilize 3.0.2 with bug fixes and a new menus to stand-in for the delay in getting XAA out. Many updates to the website.
Added new Quick Start Guide guide for v3.0. It covers the new menus.
With the new release and the new guide I don't feel bad about new people stumbling across Xilize and trying it out.
Released Util v1.2 with a bug fix for Edit-With-jEdit plugin module for NetBeans.
Last week released Util package with v1.1 of the Edit-With-jEdit plugin module for NetBeans.
Been involved in other work for a while. Trying to make time to get Xilize 3.0 release to jEdit Plugin Central. XAA will have to wait, want to get some more "helper" functions on the menus in lieu of that.
Created enhanced the Plugin > Xilize menu for the jEdit plugin and added a context menu, both of which reflect much of the capability of XAA. Will try to release 3.0.2 later this week. Fixed a number of subtle bugs.
Website and download packages updoaded to SourceForge project. Xilize is now officially version 3.0.1. Need to add XAA capability back into the jEdit plugin.
Established SourceForge project for Xilize. Checkout and build of the code works fine. Subversion is a nice experience. Now updating reference docs and SourceForge project website.
Released snapshot (build 35) (on that is now a propper jEdit plugin. Next up: XAA plugin.
Wrote up some notes on plugin development, a how-to for the new build process, and put them here.
Xilize plugin (sans XAA) is now about ready for release.
Working jar file for jEdit — without the XAA dockable. Will ship that as a separate plugin.
Works for these actions:
Yet to come:
New snapshot contains new command line processing (rewrote and several minor updates. Table sig now respects header/footer rows and column group and col elements. Able to translate Xilize docs but have not had a chance the translation is exact. Cleaned up class Xilize2. Fixed tree traversal when translating just one branch of the tree.
Added "Upgrading" section to these notes. Turns out it's pretty simple.
Released new snapshot, now nearly complete. Documentation greatly expanded.
Just about wrapped up a first draft of the documentation.