Once the code is frozen follow this process to complete the release.
in trunk/build.number
ant -Drelease=true clean dist
for final timedist/
contents to new subdirectory under ~/wdev/frs
tar -cz xilize-jEdit.jar > xilize-jEdit-JAR-v3.0.3_31.tar.gz
tar -cz xilize-engine.jar > xilize-engine-JAR-v3.0.3_31.tar.gz
rm *.jar
[Note: add steps 3 and 4 to build.xml]
The build.number must be frozen to complete this.
using file name of the form rn3.0.3_31
define. id 3.0.3_31
at the top of the pagedocs/Releases/page.xilconfig
with the new release pagetrunk/docs/Releases/index.xil
htmlsvn list https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xilize/tags
svn copy trunk tags/v3.0.3
from ~/wdev/xwd
Ftp the download packages in ~/wdev/frs
to ftp://upload.sourceforge.net/incoming
(bookmarked in Konqueror).
From SourceForge project page go to Admin —> File Release and click [Add Release] next to xilize project and follow the steps there.
See release notes at http://xilize.sourceforge.net/Releases/rn3.0.3.html
Note: the only file you need for the jEdit plugin is xilize-jEdit-JAR-v3.0.3_31.tar.gz which will decompress to xilize-jEdit.jar.
Bug fixes:
* [ 1651611 ] Modes in jEdit — fixed jEdit mode file syntax error. Use Plugins —> Xilize —> options and press the install Xilize mode button to activate the new mode file.
* [ 1634937 ] wait until buffers saved before translation
* added dl. signature (definition list) — had been left out in error
Feature requests:
* [ 1634943 ] implement waitForRequests() in xilize plugin — for use in jEdit macros
* minor updates/fixes to the website
(Ensure SVN tags/vX.x.X/comp/xilize/src
contains both xilize and com.centeredwork.xilize packages. Add this to build release process.)
Test jEdit build like the jEdit packagers will do it:
svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xilize/tags/v3.0.3/comp/xilize ant
See jEdit release process page and Plugin Central Submission Page.
and generate .html
and run Macros —> Properties —> Create Plugin Announcement.