quick reference


This is a summary of Xilize markup. See the User Guide and example browser for details.


Xilize HTML description
p. <p> paragraph, default if no signature is present
h1. <h1> level 1 heading, up to level 6 supported
bq. <blockquote> block quote
pre. <pre> preformatted text
prex. <pre> preformatted with no translation
bc. <pre><code> block code
bcx. <pre><code> block code with no translation
dl. <dl> ... definition list
table. <table> table, explicit signature required only if modifiers applied
hr. <hr /> horizonal rule
divStart. <div> div start tag, modifiers may be applied
divEnd. </div> div end tag
clear. <div ... ></div> clears floating elements


markup description
(name) class attribute or (n1,n2,n3) to specify multiple class names — note multiple class names are separated with commas , and no whitespace
(#id) id attribute
(name#id) class name and id attributes
( left padding, 1em per (
) right padding, 1em per )
> right justify text or float element
< left justify text or float element
<> justify text left and right (i.e. style="text-align:justify;")
= center horizontal align
^ top vertical align (applies only to images and table cells)
~ (tilde) bottom vertical align (applies only to images and table cells)
- (hyphen) middle vertical align (applies only to images and table cells)
{style} style attribute
{{attributes}} arbitrary tag attributes
[lang] lang attribute


symbol HTML usage rendering
_ (underscore) emphasis <em> _sample text_ sample text
* strong <strong> *sample text* sample text
__ italics <i> __sample text__ sample text
** bold <bold> **sample text* sample text
- (hyphen) strikethrough <del> -sample text- sample text
+ inserted <ins> +sample text+ sample text
^ superscript <sup> sample ^text^ sample text
~ (tilde) subscript <sub> sample ~text~ sample text
@ code <code> @sample text@ sample text
== no mod n/a ==sample text== sample text
% span <span> %sample text% sample text
++ bigger <big> ++sample text++ sample text
-- smaller <small> --sample text-- sample text

links and images

markup HTML
"text":url link <a href="url">text</a>
"text (title text)":url link with title text <a href="url" title="title text">text</a>
!url! image <img src="url" />
!url (alternate text)! image with alternate text <img src="url" alt="alternate text" title="alternate text" />
!imgURL!:url linked image <a href="url"><img src="imgURL" /></a>
!imgURL (alt text)!:url linked image with alternate text <a href="url"><img src="imgURL" alt="alt text" title="alt text" /></a>


| a | b | c
| d | e | f

table with 2 rows and 3 columns

_| a | b | c
| d | e | f
_| g | h | i

3x3 table with header and footer rows

table(x). | a | b | c
| d | e | f

table with modifers for class name assignment on the <table> tag

(x)| a | b | c
| d |(()). e | f
>|\3 g

2x3 table with row and column modifers

table. &amp;{columns:
| 3* | 1* | 6*
| a | b | c
| d | e | f

table with <colgroup> and <col> elements



markup description
* item top-level unordered list
** item 2nd-level unordered list
# item top-level ordered list
## item 2nd-level ordered list
dl. term : def definition list

definition lists

dl. term1 : definition1
term2 : defintion2

simple definiton list

dl. term A : term B : def C ; def D ; def E
term M : term N : term 0 : def X ; def Y

definiton list with multiple terms and definitions


markup description
text[1] footnote marker, 1 may be any number, use this markup in your text, repeat with different numbers as needed
fn1. body of footnote footnote text, 1 may be any number, this is a block signature, repeat with different numbers as needed

Footnotes may be classic with <sup> tags or modern (the default) without. Use
define. _FootnoteStyle_ classic to generate <sup> tags.


directive param description
define. key one-line-value define key/value pairs, one pair per line
define. key
define key/value pair where the value is more than line
undef. key remove definition of key
ifdef. key text translate text if key is defined
ifndef. key text translate text if key is not defined
include. path include file
includex. path include file but do not Xilize — only <, >, and & will be translated to character entities (even in HTML tags)
propfile. path read properties file as key/value pairs to define
xilize. create epilog/prolog (@@ and other top-level elements) — classic mode only
[abbr]url create abbreviation for a URL
toc. min max type table of contents: min heading level (e.g. "2"), max level (e.g. "3"), type (* or #)
body. exists only to allow you to put modifiers on the <body> tag

control keys

Set these keys with define. to control the generated HTML. See also the xilize. signature and natural mode.

head element customization

key value default description
charset text iso-8859-1 adds <meta> element with charset spec to the <head> element
css path adds persistent <link> element to stylesheet located at path to the <head> element
cssAlternate title path adds an alternate stylesheet <link> element to stylesheet located at path with title to the <head> element
cssPreferred title path adds a preferred stylesheet <link> element to stylesheet located at path with title to the <head> element
favicon path adds <link> element for shortcut icon at path in the <head> element
headAppend text adds text immediately before </head> end tag — for this key multiple defines within a file are additive: each define. statement adds to the existing value of the key.
headElementAdd text deprecated this is a synonym for headAppend
keywords text adds a keyword <meta> element containing text in the <head> element
style text adds <style> tags containing text in the <head> element — for this key multiple defines within a file are additive: each define. statement adds to the existing value of the key.
script text adds <script> tags containing text in the <head> element — for this key multiple defines within a file are additive: each define. statement adds to the existing value of the key.
title text adds <title>text</title> to the <head> element

doctype customization

key value default description
doctype strict | trans | frameset strict specifies type of DOCTYPE declaration to generate

header and footer

key value default description
headerinc path adds include. path immediately after <body> start tag — set automatically in natural mode
footerinc path adds include. path immediately before </body> end tag — set automatically in natural mode

top-level customization

key value default description
prolog true | false true adds <!DOCTYPE>, <html>, and <head> elements and the <body> start tag to the beginning of the HTML file. The content of the <head> element is determined by the customization settings above.
epilog true | false true adds </body></html> to end of input.
customProlog text adds text to the top of the generated HTML file irrespective of the prolog setting. Note: all head element customization settings will be ignored. Thus, define. style and define. script will have no effect.
customEpilog text adds text to the bottom of the generated HTML file irrespective of the epilog setting.

info keys

Available only in natural mode, these keys are set for each *.xil file prior to its translation:

key description
_NaturalLabel_ contents of the first unsigned block in the file
_Prev_ when page ordering is used, relative URL to the previous page
_Next_ when page ordering is used, relative URL to the next page
_ProjectRoot_ relative path from the project root to the folder of the current file — will be a series of ../ or, if the current file is in the project's root directory, the empty string
_FilePathXil_ full path to the file being xilized
_FilePathHtml_ full path to the generated HTMLfile
_FileNameXil_ file name of the file being xilized
_FileNameHtml_ file name of the generated HTML file

config keys

In natural mode the following keys are typically defined only in the project configuration file, *.config. Their values may be accessed with ${ key } markup.

key description
_Mode_ mode in which Xilize is operating (natural, tree, dir, file)
_Target_ full path to Xilize target (value depends on mode) — in natural mode this is the full path to project's root directory (allows the project file to be in a different location when using command line execution)
_NaturalizeBranch_ relative path to subfolder to xilize (natural mode)
_NaturalizeFile_ relative path to file to xilize (natural mode)
_SiteMap_ if true generate site map to sitemap.xilinc
_SiteMapHeadingDepth_ integer value of max heading to include in site map (1 – 6)
_SiteMapDirectoryDepth_ integer value of max folder depth to include in site map (use 0 for all)
_FileUsingSiteMap_ file that include.'s sitemap.xilinc, defaults to sitemap.xil (Xilize needs to xilize this file last, after sitemap.xilinc has been generated)
_ReportFile_ name of report file, generate report in project root directory if set, defaults to xilize.report.html
optional and may be set on a file-by-file basis
_Debug_ if true, generate debug information in report file
_Trace_ if true, generate trace information in report file
_Warn_ if true, generate warnings in report file
_FootnoteStyle_ classic or modern

miscellaneous keys

Keys set by Xilize for internal use and reporting.

key description
Caller information about the environment from which Xilize was called if not run from the command line
CommandLine contents of command line if run from command line
OSinfo set to a concatenation of relevant Java system properties: os.name, os.version, and os.arch
Root full path to top-level target
TimeStart time stamp at begining of execution
TimeSeconds execution time in seconds

natural mode files

Files with these names are automatically located and used in natural mode:

*.xilize project configuration
*.xil Xilize markup source, a corresponding *.html file will be generated
page.order optional page ordering, if present _Prev_ and _Next_ are defined for files in that folder

For these files, Xilize looks first in the folder containing the *.xil being translated, then up through its parent folders until reaching the project root:

header.xilinc optional autoinclude header
footer.xilinc optional autoinclude footer
common.xilinc optional autoinclude
*.css optional stylesheet

Files generated in natural mode if special keys are set:

sitemap.xilinc site map include file
xilize.report.html report of Xilize execution

special blocks

To avoid translation of a block of text use == (two equals signs) on preceding and following lines.

Xilize will not translate
the these lines.  They will appear
in the output exactly as they are here.

To put an HTML comment element in the output file use /// (three forward slashes) on preceding and following lines.

This will appear as
an HTML comment in the output file.

Note: Xilize also recognizes a block that begins with <!-- and ends with --> as an HTML comment and passes it through unchanged. The comment start and end symbols do not have to be on lines preceding and following the comment block.

<!— some comment
text —>

special TOC markup for hn. blocks

To have only a part of a heading to appear in a TOC — or something that is completely different than the text of the heading, the special markup {{toc: text }} and {{tocEntry: text }} is available:

markup TOC text
h2. An Introduction to Special Relativity An Introduction to Special Relativity
h2. An Introduction to {{toc: Special Relativity}} Special Relativity
h2. An Introduction to Special Relativity {{tocEntry: Einstein's Idea}} Einstein's Idea