bq with children

Buddhist practice involves an interplay between knowing and not-knowing. In Vipassana we often emphasize knowing and seeing deeply into our lived experience. However, just as our capacity to know can be developed, so can we cultivate a wise practice of not-knowing.

Not-knowing is emphasized in Zen practice, where it is sometimes called beginner's mind. An expert may know a subject deeply, yet be blinded to new possibilities by his or her preconceived ideas. In contrast, a beginner may see with fresh, unbiased eyes. The practice of beginner's mind is to cultivate an ability to meet life without preconceived ideas, interpretations, or judgments.

— from a talk by Gil Fronsdal, February 10th, 2004.

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bq with children

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Buddhist practice involves an interplay between knowing and not-knowing. In
Vipassana we often emphasize knowing and seeing deeply into our lived
experience. However, just as our capacity to know can be developed, so can we
cultivate a wise practice of not-knowing.

_Not-knowing_ is emphasized in Zen practice, where it is sometimes called
_beginner's mind_. An expert may know a subject deeply, yet be blinded to new
possibilities by his or her preconceived ideas. In contrast, a beginner may see
with fresh, unbiased eyes. The practice of beginner's mind is to cultivate an
ability to meet life without preconceived ideas, interpretations, or judgments.

-- from a "talk by Gil
February 10th, 2004.


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