explicit signatures

Explicit signatures are of the form

name [ modifiers ] sigTerminator

which read: a name may be followed by modifiers and must be followed by a sigTerminator.

Names for native explicit signatures consists of letters and may end with digits. Examples: p, bq, h1, table, dl, fn99.

Modifiers, always optional, consist of any combination of the following:

class and/or id ( class [ # id ] )
arbitrary styling { CSS styling }
language [ lang tag ]
arbitrary tag attributes {{ arbitrary tag attributes }}
horizontal alignment one of > < = <>
vertical alignment one of ^ - ~ (caret, hyphen, tilde)
special table modifiers
row header/footer _ (underscore)
cell row span / number (e.g. /2)
cell column span \ number (e.g. \2)

sigTerminator is either a single dot . (period) or two dots .. (periods). followed by end-of-line or other whitespace. Text may, and usually does follow the signature.

Examples of explicit native signatures:

anonymous block

A block without an explicit or implicit signature is given an anonymous signature. By default anonymous blocks are translated by the "p" signature but that can be changed by assigning a new value to the _UnsignedBlockSigSubstitute_ key.

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explicit signatures

Explicit signatures are of the form 

bq. _name_ [ _modifiers_ ] _sigTerminator_ 

which read: a name _may_ be followed by modifiers and _must_ be followed by a

_Names_ for native explicit signatures consists of letters and may end with
digits.  Examples: p, bq, h1, table, dl, fn99.

_Modifiers_, always optional, consist of any combination of the following:

| class and/or id | @(@ _class_ [ @#@ id ] @)@ 
| arbitrary styling | @{@ _CSS styling_ @}@ 
| language | @[@ _lang tag_ @]@
| arbitrary tag attributes | @{{@ _arbitrary tag attributes_ @}}@
| horizontal alignment | one of @> < = <>@
| vertical alignment | one of @^ - ~@ (caret, hyphen, tilde)
|\2 _special table modifiers_
| row header/footer | @_@ (underscore)
| cell row span | @/@ _number_ (e.g. [@/2@])
| cell column span | @\@ _number_ (e.g. [@\2@])

_sigTerminator_ is either a single dot @.@ (period) or two dots @..@ (periods).
followed by end-of-line or other whitespace.  Text may, and usually does follow
the signature.

Examples of explicit native signatures:

* h3.
* bq(special#foo).
* p>..
* pre{{onmousemove="myscript()"}}.
* fn2(simple){color:blue;font-size:0.8em}[fr].

h3. anonymous block

A block without an explicit or implicit signature is given an _anonymous_
signature.  By default anonymous blocks are translated by the "p" signature but
that can be changed by assigning a new value to the
@_UnsignedBlockSigSubstitute_@ key.

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