If you see anything at all on this page, something is working. In particular this block with no explicit signature will by default be assigned the 'p' signature.
explicit 'p' signature with modifier for color:
brown text
improper long form generates error message and translates anyway. (Uncomment the source to test.)
p, paragraph If you see anything at all on this page, something is working. In particular this block with no explicit signature will by default be assigned the 'p' signature. example. {{ explicit 'p' signature with modifier for color: p{color:brown}. brown text improper long form generates error message and translates anyway. (Uncomment the source to test.) >xil> p. parent block body (this text) will not be written {{ >xil> >xil> para 1 >xil> >xil> para 2 >xil> >xil> bq. block quote >xil> >xil> para 3 >xil> >xil> }} }}
Long lines are wrapped in this listing.
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