phrase markup:special translation

A phrase bracketed by @ (at sign) corresponds to the two signatures prex. and bcx. primarily used for display of XML, HTML, and programing code. In these cases >, <, and & are translated to their character entites, no other markup is processed and <code> tags are inserted.

Xilize markup browser rendering
Normally HTML tags like @<em>@ and @</em>@ and character entities like @&#8212;@ are passed through untouched, but with the @@@ phrase markup they get special translation.

Normally HTML tags like <em> and </em> and character entities like &#8212; are passed through untouched, but with the @ phrase markup they get special translation.

XHTML generated

<p>Normally <span class="caps">HTML</span> tags like
 <code>&lt;em&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/em&gt;</code>
 and character entities like <code>&amp;#8212;</code> are passed
 through untouched, but with the <code>@</code> phrase markup they get
 special translation.</p>