includeRaw, include without translation

includex is just like include except the included file is not translated; this is, it is included "as is." In general, its used to include a file of existing HTML/XML in the current file. It is analogous to the raw signature.

from raw1.xilinc

from raw2.xilinc

from raw1.xilinc

from raw2.xilinc

Where raw1.html is

<p>from raw1.xilinc</p>

and raw2.html is

<p>from raw2.xilinc</p>

source for Home/ByExample/XilizeMarkup/Signatures/Directives/includeRaw :: index.xil

includeRaw, include without translation

@includex@ is just like &{link:include} except the included file is not
translated; this is, it is included "as is."  In general, its used to include a
file of existing HTML/XML in the current file.  It is analogous to the
"raw":../../Explicit/raw/index.html signature.

example. {{

  includeRaw. raw1.html.sample
  includeRaw. raw2.html.sample

  includeRaw. raw1.html.sample raw2.html.sample


Where raw1.html is 

xilListing. raw1.html.sample

and raw2.html is

xilListing. raw2.html.sample

Long lines are wrapped in this listing.
Use your web browser's "View Page Source" feature to examine the HTML